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Chris Van Gogh: Artist Edition


Some may wonder why did he give himself this stage name. I think it is because he is digging into the artistic side. I highly enjoy his aesthetic and his music as a whole. I have not seen him perform before, but from what I have seen? He has wonderful stage presence. He has this soothing voice too. My favorite songs by him are Right Now, how come?, jealous, and way up. He is formerly known as Chris Van Gogh!

Click on the image to listen to his MAD EP!

Now I have never met Chris in person before, but we have communicated through Instagram. However, I was not familiar with him until I noticed that he was managed by the CEO of branNEWmedia, Bran Black. After noticing his craft, Chris Van Gogh brings something different to the table. I took the time to get to know him because there has to be some secrets behind the artist. Every artist has a reason as to why they are interested in what they are interested in. But what built the motivation for Chris to start? "It was something I started for fun that began to take more and more of my time. Unlike a lot of other things, I was not naturally good at it, and I liked the challenge". I'm here for the challenges and the artistic growth! Also, where did the Van Gogh come from? "I wanted to find a name that stood out: I did a lot of playing around with all types of artists. I liked the way Chris Van Gogh sounded, so I did some research on Vincent Van Gogh. I really liked his story, so I decided to stick with that". I noticed that CVG has wonderful stage presence as well, but what goes through his head? I would assume that he would not be nervous because he makes it look so easy. "Whenever I am performing, I'm truly feeling the joy I felt as a kid dribbling around the neighborhood. If I could perform every day? I would". Love that for you King!

For every musician, music stems from somewhere. Whether it is listening to Michael Jackson/ Jackson 5 on a record player or seeing Janet Jackson kill that breakdance with Michael in Scream. However, for Chris, it was different. "I had the luxury of being able to be a child during my childhood. So I did a lot of playing around the neighborhood, and I was a very heavy gamer". I think every child played video games during their lifetime, but maybe that was just me.

Click play to watch CVG perform COLORS!

Sometimes, being a musician can be challenging. Mental and emotional health can be affected because of all the stress that being in the music business can bring. For those who support CVG, are probably wondering what keeps him going. "The progression that I've seen from where I began to now is a major factor. Before I definitely was not able to see the artist I am now clearly, but now I am anxious to keep leveling up and seeing how far I can go. Also, the support I get from whatever I drop as well, reinforces my faith and lets me know that I am on the right path. My mental health right ? Is at a 10. I'm ready to show the world what I've been working on." In addition, there can be challenges within the business as well. People having negative thoughts/feelings, no support, etc. But what challenges has Chris gone through? This is what he had to say, "Of course! From financially, work flow, and life. No matter what the situation was, I kept working". As he should!

Click on the image to listen to Had 2 Double Back!

Outside of recording and performing, CVG probably likes to do other things with his spare time. "Other than being an artist, I still play the game, hoop here and there. But, I am nowhere near as good as I used to be". That happens, he has that basketball rust. So we know who CVG the artist, but who is CVG in general? "CVG is just another human being like the rest, trying to be/do the best he can",

After seeing the music he puts out, CVG is dedicated not only to his supporters, but to himself as well. For his mental health to be at a 10? We love that for him and we want to see him win! I have a good feeling about this one, because the talent? is immaculate! To keep up with CVG, follow him on social media! Stay tuned because he is going to do his big one every time!


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